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ISSUE 11: May 1984


Having spent from September 83 – January 84 concentrating on establishing the Christian Fellowship in Chegutu, our efforts have once again returned to our other African involvements. Previously we had functioned as almost “para-evangelistic” unit, just evangelistic where we could and hoping local churches would take the initiative to follow up new converts, which were many. This was often neglected and that which was achieved was in many cases lost. Consequently, this has taught us the importance of church – based evangelism. With this understanding in mind our emphasis has been to slow down on evangelism and step up on discipleship (not to be confused with the Movement). Although events have appeared a little less dramatic. Its has given us a more realistic picture of what we are producing, Commitments and Involvements. Joe and Aoife Fitzgibbon are only with us until November and therefore they sensed an urgency to throw themselves into the spiritual side of the work, taking up old commitments and spearheading new ones. Their commitment has enabled me to do some practical work involving the new building of a new classroom for the Bible School, and re-erection of the Church building, which had virtually fallen. The commitments each week for us all are as follows:

  • Twenty hours of Bible teaching.

  • Six Church meetings embracing four Churches.

  • Three ladies’ meetings.

  • Twenty-one religious’ classes in three different schools. (Classes are often joined together)

  • One Scripture Union meeting.

These meetings expand and retract from time to time, but they have been our commitments to date. It may be that we have to streamline our efforts so that activity does not overtake prayer. One meeting saturated in prayer and full of Holy Spirit is worth more than all our puny efforts can devise. While I was away in Britain John Valentine decided to erect our tent in the local township stadium and various ones preached the local gospel over seven nights. Many hearts responded to the Lord and seventy-five people were baptised in the Municipal swimming pool a few weeks later.

Pray that although we have a large agricultural commitment, we would endeavour to plan our resources, time and energy with eternal insight and spiritual perspective. Pray that practical pressures would only serve to make us like Jesus rather than less. Pray that our ministry would be blessed with transforming power so that people may not only respond to the Lord but also be changed by Him. Pray that we would see a spiritual breakthrough with this year’s students. Our baby is due late September, please hold us before the Lord in that. We love you all very much and trust that this stop gap news will enable you to pray intelligently and specifically for us.

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